Missing Welcome Emails

Missing Welcome Email?

IMPORTANT: If your member does not receive this welcome email, they will not be able to access BoardCloud. In the event this happens, ask them to:

If the email still cannot be found, you can try to send another confirmation email by highlighting the member on the Manage Members screen and clicking the Confirm Email button, which is on the same menu as the Add button. This will send another email to the member.

If the steps above do not produce a result, we advise that you contact the organisation or person who supports your email. Ask them to look for any emails to support@boardcloud.app that may be caught in a spam trap.

IMPORTANT: Ask your IT support to whitelist the email support@boardcloud.app , this will allow any BoardCloud emails arriving at the email server to get through to your members.

At this stage your member is ready to login and start working... BUT remember to add the new member to at least one committee before they login!

See also:

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