Board Pack Editor
Overview of Document Viewer - Editor Functions
The BoardCloud board document viewer has a number of editing functions that can be easily used to annotate board packs.
Notes and comments made, are saved against the board member who makes the changes and are by default not shared with other board members. On an overview level, these functions include:
- Text selection
- Text markup - free text editing
- Underlining and strikethrough
- Annotations
- Insertion of basic shapes like rectangles, circles and polygons
- Insertion of 'stamps', which include 'Sign-Here', 'Accepted' and many more
- Freehand drawing
- Drawing of handwritten signatures
Below are the some examples with images of some commonly used functions to edit a document in the viewer:
Highlight Board Pack Text
The strikeout function allows text in the board pack to be selected, using the Select Arrow tool.
Selected text will then be highlighted and will stand out from standard text, as shown on the left.

Strikeout Board Pack Text
The strikeout function allows text in the board pack to be selected, using the Select Arrow tool. Selected text will then be highlighted. The highlighted text can then be struck-out, as shown on the left.

Add Shape to Board Packet Text
The add-shape function allows a shape to be added to the board paper document.
The chosen shape can then be moved into position and sized accordingly.